Ph: +64 6 385 5019 - Fax: +64 6 385 5021
Ph: +64 6 385 5019 - Fax: +64 6 385 5021
E rere kau mai te awa nui nei The river flows
Mai I te Kahui maunga ki Tangaroa From the mountain to the sea
Ko au te awa I am the river
Te awa ko au The river is me
I affiliate to Tamahaki, Uenuku and Ngati Kura, after 16 years of living in Taranaki and 6 years in Poneke (Wellington) I made the courageous decision to move back to my roots of Raetihi. I am a proud wahine to come home to work alongside our Hapori (Community) to assist and implement positive change.
I am now employed by Te Puke Karanga Hauora as a Whanau Ora Kaimahi also assisting with, He Puna Ora contract until this position is filled. This employment has supported me to fully complete my 4th and final year journey of Bachelor of Bi-Cultural Social Work. This encouraged me to implement the following within our communities.
1. Mana Enhancing connections
2. Applying Te Ao Māori Approach
3. Empowering and encourage Whanau
4. Reconnecting with Tinana (Body), Wairua (Spiritual) and Mauri (Wellbeing)
To make this happen, I travel 2 days a week along the Whanganui Awa (Pipiriki and Hiruharama) (Jerusalem), 1 Day in Ohakune, 1 Day in Raetihi, And service hapu mama/Admin.
“Doing what I love is where my happiness Lives” (And this Quote is helping our people)