Ph: +64 6 385 5019 - Fax: +64 6 385 5021
Ph: +64 6 385 5019 - Fax: +64 6 385 5021
It is a pleasure and privilege to have served whānau Māori for 35 years in Strategic and Māori Development, Business and Design. Over this time, I have gathered credentials and pukenga required to undertake this mahi. Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai – nurture the seed and it will bloom Inspired and dedicated to Iwi and Māori development I have provided strategic advice to many non-Māori & Māori providers and leaders over the course of my life. Recently, I have supported iwi Board members, kaumatua of Kahungunu and most recently Rangitane (both main Iwi in the Wairarapa region). I am also proud to affiliate to Ngāti Porou, Ngai Tahu, Ngāti Mutunga ki Wharekauri and Tapuika. I enjoy serving as a Governance Board member with Te Puke Karanga Hauora (a small rural isolated provider) based in Raetihi and have been an active governance member on a number of Boards in past two decades. I hold strong connections with a number of leaders both locally, regionally and nationally. All these relationships and connections have lead me to the role I currently hold as Senior Advisor in the interim Māori Health Authority. I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves to get the mahi done. Te Tiriti based principles underpin and guide the way I work. With an attention to detail honed written skills, these abilities have gained me success in procurement, leading new initiatives, implementation and evaluation processes. I enjoy building strong authentic relationships with various stakeholders and I’m a team player. I see myself as one of many champions in the Māori Health sector and this journey is ongoing. Naku noa nā, Cheri Ratapu-Foster